Colorado Juniors
Prep Leagues

Prep Leagues

Prep League

Athletes Age 13-16

**In order to keep our prep league at a competitive level, athletes must be 13 or older to register (USA Volleyball Age Group). Younger athletes may be allowed to participate with director permission. If your athlete is 11 or 12, please check out our new mini-league program!


Who is this program for?

Athletes who need or want more game experience. Play time is guaranteed and athletes will receive training in all positions on the court. This program is great for athletes looking for an alternative to club or school seasons who want to receive Colorado Juniors training.

What is the time commitment?

Each league is 6 weeks long. Each week, athletes will practice once and then play two full matches. All practices and games take place at Colorado Juniors in Monument. No travel!

Practice on Tuesday OR Wednesday 5-6:30pm
Games on Saturday mornings (time varies)

What is the price?

$395 for the 6 week league. Includes a game t-shirt
Registration closes 7 days prior to the start of each Prep League. If spots are still available, athletes will be allowed to register with a late fee applied to the registration fee.


Contact Kevin Marquis (



Prep League #1

Sept 5th/6th - Oct 14th

Prep League #2

Oct 24th/25th - Dec 9th

Prep League #3

Jan 2nd/3rd - Feb 10th

Prep League #4

Feb 20th/21st - Mar 30th

Prep League #5

Apr 9th/10th - May 18th